How to Prepare for SSC CGL Quantitative Section 2018?


The Quantitative Aptitude section of SSC CGL exam for Tier 1 and Tier 2 is one of the important and high scoring subjects of the SSC CGL exam. The notification of SSC CGL 2018 exam states that the exam for Tier 1 which was earlier scheduled to be conducted from 25th July 2018 to 20th Aug 2018 has been postponed.

The quantitative section of the SSC CGL Exam is somewhat time-consuming and scoring at the same time. Your skills with use of numbers and number sense are tested in this subject. In order to get a good score in this section, you should have in-depth knowledge of all the formulas and the pattern of question asked. So, here we are sharing some important information about how to prepare quantitative section for SSC CGL.

SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Preparation

The Paper I – Quantitative Aptitude comprises of 100 multiple-choice questions and each question will provide you 2 marks. The duration of this exam is 2 hours. 0.50 marks are subtracted as a penalty for each wrong answer.

Topic Number of Questions
Data Interpretation 10
Geometry 10
Trigonometry 5
Algebra 4
Trigonometry 3
Time, Speed & Distance, Work & Time 9
Profit, Loss & Discount 4
Average, Mixture, Allegation 3
SI/CI & Percentage 4
Ratio & Proportion 1

The chief categories in SSC CGL Tier-I and Tier-II Exams under the Quantitative Aptitude Section are:

  • Arithmetic
  • Number System
  • Fractions and Decimals
  • Square roots
  • Percentage
  • Profit, Loss and Discount
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Average
  • Partnership Business
  • Time and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • Pipes and Cisterns
  • Mixture and Alligation
  • Simple Interest & Compound Interest
  • Probability
  • Permutation and Combination

Exams Books

  1. Magical Books on Quicker Maths by M.Tyra
  2. SSC Mathematics by Kiran Publications
  3. SSC Mathematics by Abhinay Sharma Publications
  4. 4. Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Arihant Publications

SSC CGL Quant Preparation Strategy

  1.       Work on your Basics: Before beginning your preparation for this subject, don’t consider for shortcuts. Start with basics and develop in-depth knowledge. After gaining a command over topics, move forward with shortcuts or tricks for swift calculations.
  2.       Time Management: Give proper time to all the topics covered in the exam. Firstly, focus on your weak areas and practice every topic which your strength is but devote your time for the weak area more. Do not give more than one minute to any question.
  3.       Practice Question Papers: Try to practice more previous papers. As exam pattern keeps changing, remember to consider the current structure of the exam.
  4.       Acquire Short-cut Methods: For enhancing your calculation speed, students must focus on the short-cut methods and tricks which will help in saving time for solving tough questions in the exam. Remember tables, cubes, squares, and square roots for quick calculations.
  5.       Form a Proper Structure: Do follow a correct strategy and a time table for all the sections of question paper. For Quantitative Aptitude section, devote at least 2-3 hours every day for better result.
  6.       Read the complete question first: To avoid the mistake of reading incomplete questions and arriving at wrong answer eventually.
  7.       Don’t use risky shortcuts to get the answer: If you are not aware with any shortcut or trick, then avoid using them as it may lead to misunderstanding and the wrong answer.
  8.       Do not go for guess works: Guesswork may give you wrong answers and will provide you with negative marking.
  9.       Practice Important Topics: Students can investigate the year-wise analysis and focus on the vital topics.
  10.   Focus on the weak areas: First, try to focus on your weak areas and spend your time improving them.
  11.   Consistent Practice: Make a habit of practising previous year paper and mock test every day to progress your speed and accuracy for the subject.

Tips to score well in Quantitative Aptitude for SSC CGL Exam 2018

  • The basic knowledge forms the root for the higher level of studies. Devote your focus more on the basics and formulas of the subject.
  • To get proper exam pattern of the subject, practice more with previous year questions papers.
  •   Practice mock test on the regular basis and solve them in one go within the timeframe.
  • The knowledge will not help you until you practice it. Practice as much as you can, so that solving the questions in the exam will be easy for you.
  • Apply short tricks in the mock tests for quick calculations and avoid them if you are not sure about it.
  • The SSC CGL Exams are conducted within the limited time constraint, so it is important to have a proper strategy to challenge the paper in an operative manner so that you can score well in the exam.
  • Reach the exam centre 1 hour before the reporting time.
  •  Analyse the complete paper first and then start with the easy questions from it.
  •  After attempting the easy questions, you can go for the typical questions in the mounting order of difficulty.
  • In the last 5-10 minutes, go for the questions in which you have confusion and solve them correctly.
  • Don’t waste more than 2 minutes on any question. If you are not able to solve any question, just leave that and move ahead.
  • Focus more on correctness than the number of questions attempted. This is equally significant along with the number of attempts as there is negative marking in SSC CGL Exams.
  • Take proper rest before the day of the exam and just study the formulas.
  • Take proper intervals as well in order to keep yourself motivated and fresh.

Don’t forget to download SSC CGL preparation app. It provides free study material, quizzes, mock test, previous year question papers, and all the updates related SSC exams.

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