SEO Is Dead?

SEO Is Dead


With the advent of online business, the biggest rat race is ranking high in the search engines. Remember that many companies similar to yours are also doing business online. When a potential customer searches for your services, the companies coming top of the search results make more business than the bottom-ranked ones. Therefore, all online businesses must have a proper search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Several SEO strategies were cooked up at the beginning. However, with changing trends, many of these strategies have turned out to be obsolete. This brings the question to the surface- is SEO dead? The answer is both yes and no, depending on the types of SEO strategies.

Strategies that consider SEO to be dead

Let us start with all the strategies that ensure that SEO is dead.

All-in on link strategy

If you consider the factors that determine the Google ranks, link building will be very important. Many companies consider building as many links to their website as possible. However, companies must not make links randomly. It must be relevant to the company policies and ideas. The quality of the link is also determined in this aspect. Quantity is no longer a factor for Google rankings.

Obsession for the top rank

Although Google rank is one of the most important online business criteria, it does not always mean that it will ensure increased traffic. Nowadays, Google allows several snippets, ads, and question boxes, thus making the possibility of your site being buried, although it has obtained the top rank. To make more online profits, you should shift your focus to maximizing your site’s click-through rate.

Strategies that still upholds the importance of SEO

Although some of the SEO strategies do not work in today’s world, some still do.

Prepare for long-term goals

SEO has always ensured profit for the long-term. All the strategies work for in the bigger picture, and therefore, you need to be patient. Rankings start to be dynamic after a certain period, and traffic generated from ranking takes longer. You will start generating authority or your website over time.

Write content according to the need

Content is the best way to reflect the ideas on which the company is based. However, you cannot have the same content style being followed for different platforms. For example, you cannot have the same content for your website and your Facebook page. Prepare your content strategically to attract maximum customers.

SEO still works in today’s world, based on the strategy you are following. If you want any suggestion on this topic, contact any Vancouver SEO company and associate with their ideas and experiences.

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