Best criminal law blogs

Best criminal law blogs


If you talk about law cases, you will find that most of the cases that are highlighted in the newspaper are of criminal nature. The criminal cases may be as small as a normal theft, or it can be as big as a bank robbery, murder, or rape. If you aspire to be a criminal lawyer in Toronto, you must go through different case studies to increase your knowledge about handling the cases. You can also go through some of the criminal law blogs written by eminent criminal lawyers. These blogs are also available for the general so that the public can also gain insight into the criminal proceedings. Let us look into some of these blogs based on different topics like moral debates, precedent-setting decisions and federal versus state criminal law.

The Crime Report

The Crime Report is the most sought for blog source by many criminal lawyers. The blog site follows a non-partisan approach. They publish more than 50 articles per week, making it look more like a magazine than any other blog. This blog site encompasses different subjects like drug laws, policing, wrongful convictions and hate crimes.  You need to hire best Conveyancer who can tell you the right price of your property. A best Conveyancing company will minimise your stress.

Crimes & Consequences

Most of the criminal blog sites are considered to be defense-oriented. Many criminal law specialists testify such ideas. If you want to study a blog that is not oriented towards defense, Crime & Consequences is the right choice for you. They follow a rather balanced approach. They show both faces of the legal equation, thus providing it a more impartial approach.

The Volokh Conspiracy

The Volokh Conspiracy is considered and studied by several law professors. It focuses on throwing light on all aspects of US criminal law. As a result, they produce several controversial statements as well. If you are open to different controversies surrounding the US criminal laws, the Volokh conspiracy is the right choice for you.

Robichaud’s criminal defence litigation

The blogs prepared by Robichaud’s team are based on their experiences with criminal cases. These blogs focus on different cases like domestic assault, first-degree murder, possession of drugs and marijuana, sexual assault, etc. If you follow this blog, you will know about different kinds of criminal cases and their proceedings.

An important way to learn about a state’s law is to follow the blogs written by eminent lawyers of that country. If you are interested in learning about criminal laws, follow some of the blogs mentioned above to get an overall hold on the subject.

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