What You Can Expect from EFC’s Acrylic Bending Machines

Plastic bending machine


An acrylic bending machine is used to soften plastic and acrylic sheets so they can be molded into any shape or angle for a wide variety of applications. Once the material is cooled down, it becomes rigid and stays in shape.

These machines are commonly employed for sign making, aquarium wrapping, decoration engineering, creating plastic and acrylic plates, artwork, and a lot more.

Let’s take a look at 3 amazing accessories you can expect from an EFC’s plastic bending machine:

1.Cooling Fixtures

Cooling fixtures will help you cool bent plastic items at any angle. You can also get extended fixtures that come with double adjusting angles. You need to have a fixture with 2 adjustable parallel stops so you can hold the plastic product at the right angle while cooling it.

Since both sides of the jig are open, you can easily remove complicated plastic items from the cooling fixture. You can also set the jig at the desired angle using a protractor on either side. You can also get custom-made cooling fixtures for your application.

2.Working Length Adjustment Set

If you wish to create partial bends, you need to have a working length adjustment set. You can choose which parts of the heating wire should heat up and which parts should remain cold.

Moreover, you can control the temperature and the heating length of the wire.

3. Regulating Units

These bending machines are constructed in such a way that they can be expanded quite easily using extra regulating units. You can get double regulating units to adjust the temperatures of 2 heating wires.

Read more: Why Rental fee a Generator?

Visit our showroom to see for yourself how an edge polishing machine can help solve many production problems for you and upgrade your existing setup.

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